Devolope html project on factorystudio

Dear Expert.
I want to devolope the html 5 client in project.
But i have 2 doubts following:

  1. The code behind always java script. But in the script module, it is CSharp or DotNet ( these can’t be Compatible with html application). So, How can I use script module for HTML 5 display.
  2. I need to use external library ( .js format) in order to exporting data into excel file. But factory studio only allow to import .dll file.
    Please help me this case.

The scripts for HTML5 clients are JavaScript. Therefore, as they operate in a single-threaded, the only supported context for JS coding is the “code-behind.” This implies that the Script module with the Client domain is not supported in HTML5 clients. However, Script modules with the Server domain continue to be supported with code in .NET and Python. Should your project require more complex coding, we recommend using the Script Server domain and employing the method TK.ExecuteClassMethodOnServer in the HTML5 code-behind to invoke the server script.

To import a JS file into your project, the usual approach involves utilizing the HTML5 controls. Follow the steps below:

  1. In your HTML5 client’s drawing environment, locate the insert component button in the side toolbar, as shown in the following image.

  1. On the ensuing screen, select “HTML5 Control.”

  1. Double-click on the component and insert the link to your library file in the designated field.

  • For the JavaScript file to function correctly, it must reside within the “Tatsoft\FactoryStudio\fs-9.2\HTML5” directory, which is accessible by our WebServer.

Best Regards.
Tatsoft Team.

Dear Sir
Thank for your feedback.

  • with problem 2. I need to use exceljs library in code behind. Link library as below
    GitHub - exceljs/exceljs: Excel Workbook Manager
  • I tried import it via HTML5 Control as you guide.
    But it didn’t work.
    Do you have any idea.
    My final target is export data of table into excel ( xlsx) file