Issue Accessing Name Property from Reference Tag in FactoryStudio

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a FactoryStudio project and I’ve run into an issue with accessing the Name property from a reference tag. I followed the tutorial for creating tag templates and setting up reference tags as described below:

  1. Created Pump, Valve, and Tank tag templates.
  2. Created BrewLine tag template containing GristMill, MashTun, LauterTun, and BrewKettle tanks.
  3. Created RefBrewLine as a reference tag with BrewLine type.

However, I’m only able to retrieve Tag.refBrewLine.Link, but not Tag.refBrewLine.Name.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue? How can I correctly access the Name property from a reference tag?

Thanks in advance for your help!

(post deleted by author)

Hi Aamir,

In the video tutorial, it wasn’t shown when this property was created inside the BrewLine template, but you can create a text type property called “Name” inside the BrewLine template.
Once you have done that, in Scripts → Tasks → ServerStartup, type the following lines of code:

@Tag.BrewLine1.Name = “Brewery Line 1”;
@Tag.BrewLine2.Name = “Brewery Line 2”;

Best Regards,
Gabriel Caetano.