Opening displays on specified monitor

Hi all … and I hope this year is a good one all round :slight_smile:

I’m hoping to build a solution which uses multiple (2 or 3) monitors. One aspect of the solution will likely need popup screens/messages to appear on specific monitors.

However, I haven’t found any reference to specifying a monitor when opening a screen in the standard documentation. I assume it is possible … but hidden deep within the mysteries of .NET. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Hopefully I’m missing something obvious. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Greg Shearer

I create a unique layout to open in each monitor, each with a different display
and on that display codebehind I call the pop-up ou dialog display when I need with: @Display.YOUR_POPUP_DISPLAY_NAME.Open();

Thanks Leandro.

Your method agrees with my current understanding, which is that pop-ups must be initiated by individual client displays using CodeBehind with CLIENT domain Classes and Tasks.

Greg Shearer

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